My Personal Philosophy #4: Self Care

Sara-Grace Lien
1 min readMar 18, 2020

Hello, this is Sara here. Welcome to my personal philosophy series! In this series, I’ll be writing about my personal experiences and my learnings from them. Please do not take any of this as the ultimate truth as my personal experiences do not reflect anyone else’s.

On social media, Instagram more so, we see posts like “Self Care to help with Anxiety/Depression” with them listing things like face masks, bath bombs, and recommending Netflix shows to watch. The truth is, this form of “self-care” is actually feeding to consumerism and is literally just instant gratification which does nothing to help with anxiety or depression.

Self-care should be an investment in your future self’s happiness. Sure face masks and bath bombs can make you feel good at that moment, but if you have piles of assignments to do, your future self will not feel as good. When looking at self-care, it is important to find a balance. Yes, having a good ol’ face mask is very relaxing but using it as your sole coping mechanism is not healthy at all.

As difficult as this sounds, sometimes the best way to care for yourself is to finish the project that you’ve been procrastinating on or getting up to wash those dishes in the sink.

Invest in your future self, they will thank you for it.

