My Personal Philosophy #8: A list of my most exciting experiences

Sara-Grace Lien
3 min readApr 7, 2020

I’ve realized that I have lived a very interesting life so I thought it would be fun to list all the fun and interesting experiences I’ve had.

3rd Grade

In 3rd Grade, I joined the Girl’s Brigade which is basically girl’s scouts but the uniform is blue. I went on my first ever trip overseas without my parents to Borneo with my school mates. This was the first time I traveled overseas without my parents. During the trip, I went on my first zipline, I visited animal sanctuaries and water parks in Borneo.

5th Grade

5th grade was an exciting year for me. I spent my June break in Malaysia having the time of my life exploring waterfalls, ziplining, abseiling. It was so much fun.

I also spent my November in New Zealand as part of my school’s immersion program. I went to Aukland and visited the Hobbit town. I made friends in the New Zealand school that I visited.

At the end of the year, soon after the New Zealand trip, I went to Phnom Penh in Cambodia to volunteer with my school at an orphanage. I had a lot of fun with the kids at the orphanage, playing with cats and organizing activities with them. That is the trip that inspired me to continue giving back to the community and pursuing philanthropy.

6th Grade

I went back to Phnom Penh to help with the kids in Cambodia. This time, I gathered my classmates to design personalized notebooks to raise funds for the orphanage in Cambodia. We were able to raise enough funds to buy them new mattresses, books, and stationery.

7th grade

My school and I went to Loola in Indonesia. We visited the orphanage that we were planning on raising funds for and had a lot of fun getting to know the kids. We also went trekking, boom-netting, kayaking. We went back towards the end of the year with our newly raised funds and supplies. We helped to paint their houses and organize activities with them to play with.

8th Grade

I went to Tioman Island with my school and luck for my class, we got our own small resort to ourselves. We had been separated from the rest of the cohort in our mini cloud of fun. We had a lot of fun playing volleyball, swinging from a rope, playing in the ocean. We even trekked for 2 days, camped in the middle of the forest before kayaking for 2 hours to our resort.

9th Grade

This is one of the most exciting years as I got to go to Cameron Highlands in Malaysia. I had so much fun trekking 2 different mountains, eating at a cafe near a strawberry farm, abseiled off a waterfall, cavedived in a famous cave, and went white water rafting down a river!

10th Grade

I moved to Canada at 15 to attend boarding school. The next 3 years, I continuously traveled from country to country independently while taking care of my own finances, food and health.

11th Grade

Traveled back to Singapore on a 12-hour notice in the middle of a pandemic.

Summer before University

Traveled to Canada on my own to intern at PwC

First Year at University

Moved to Irvine, California on my own to continue my studies at UC Irvine majoring in Business Economics

